3D Printing in the Classroom with Camcor

Grant Hamilton, Sales Representative for Camcor, Inc. answers common questions teachers have about 3D printing and explains how printers can be implemented in classrooms. Learn different ways to use a 3D printer in the classroom and how this technology enhances hands-on learning.

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Transcript: 3D Printing in the Classroom with Camcor

How are students using 3D printers in school?
Kids are now working with AutoCAD, SketchUp 3D and other types of 3D programming. With a 3D printer, they're allowed to see their artwork come to life. It's definitely something interesting that keeps the attention of children and students of all ages.

How can 3D printing be used in other subjects, such as science?
You can find 3D renderings of objects that aren't readily available in schools. If you need to show your students a certain fossil that you may not have access to, you can locate that file on the computer and print it. Now, the students have a life-size rendering of that fossil that they can hold and feel.

What factors determine the price of a 3D printer?
With the smaller replicators you're not going to be able to build something quite as big. But with the more expensive, bigger ones, you'll be able to create something faster and bigger. Those are some of the main differences between the printers. Also, there are different types of filaments you can use. Some take one filament, some you can actually use two [filaments] at one time.

Are 3D printers expensive to operate?
The main question that teachers generally ask is: "How much are 3D printers going to cost?" The PLA plastic filaments are just plastic spools of filament. We work at trade shows where we've run our 3D printer for three days straight, eight hours a day and barely touch another spool of filament. When I look at an object that's probably 4X4, it probably costs less than two or three cents. The materials are extremely inexpensive when it comes to 3D printing.

Thank you for tuning into our video about 3D printing. Please contact us if you have any questions!


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